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Thoraxklinik at Heidelberg University Hospital

Updated: Jun 27, 2024

Online Course “Joint prevention of long-term ventilation”

Interactive self-learning course on ventilation and the process of weaning for health care professionals in Intensive Care Units.


What is it about?

The research study PRiVENT evaluates different elements to reduce the number of long-term ventilated patients. For this purpose, the weaning expertise in associated ICUs is to be improved. Multi-professional case conferences on patients participating in the study and quality circles are two key elements of this intervention study. In addition, a self-learning online course on weaning was developed for the health care professionals of associated ICUs.

Project profile


This online course was developed as part of the project PRiVENT (Prevention of invasive ventilation) . The project lead is with Thoraxklinik Heidelberg gGmbH. the funding of the project is supported by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) in Germany.


10 2020 - 12 2022

Target groups:

Health care professionals of clinics participating in the PRiVENT Study.

Our work:

Instructional concept, training of Subject-Matter Experts, Story-boarding, instructional design, media production, production of online course with 13 interactive WBTs unites, 3 case studies and explanatory videos, preparation of course workspace on Moodle



Learning time:

4-5 hours

Tools used:

Articulate Rise 360, Vyond, Moodle

Enabling learning!

The course on Moodle consists of 7 modules with practice-oriented learning units, explanatory videos and graphically designed fact sheets, which summarize key points at a glance.

At the end of each module, learners can test their knowledge to earn credit points valid for Continuing Medical Education (CME). For this, the course was assessed and approved by the German Medical Board and the Registration of Professional Nurses.

In a general section, the course offers a glossary and further resources. In addition, case studies were developed, where fictitious patients are treated by the multi-professional team of a fictional hospital. These case-related Web-based Training (WBT) units show the exemplary course of a medical treatment, starting with the diagnosis. For example, in a short audio play the learners can follow the dialogue between an assistant physician and a respiratory therapist concerning the optimal inhalation therapy of the fictitious patient.

Throughout the cases, there are brief knowledge checks where learners can think through the next steps of treatment before finding out what happens next with the patient.

All WBT units were developed with the authoring tool Articulate RISE, which support mobile learning by a responsive design. Within the learning units, process flows for the treatment of patients and responsibility of the various professional groups were graphically implemented and charts with medical content were developed. To illustrate special content, the Subject-Matter Experts partly provided own photos or videos. Icons were used as instructional elements to highlight practical tips or special information for individual occupational groups. When developing the content, the focus was on practical relevance - so that the course participants can integrate what they have learned into their everyday work.

The modules were developed in a purely virtual co-creation process between common sense, the project team of the Thoraxklinik Heidelberg and experts from all participating weaning centers. (Remark: In a weaning center, respiratory patients receive particularly intensive care from specially trained staff.)

Insights into the online course

Our highlights and learning in this project

The PRiVENT project is characterized by an intensive and cooperative collaboration with the project team and the experts from the various weaning centers, who, despite the high workload with ventilated patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, developed the content of the learning units with great commitment and were available for feedback.

Visualization within some learning units posed a certain challenge, because factually correct graphics and photos were not (freely) available for this special medical topic. Here, it was very helpful that experts themselves provided images and even videos that could be used for the online course within the scope of the project.


Here you can find the introductory video (in German language), which explains the structure of the PRiVENT project:

Content-related information (in German language) about the PRiVENT project can be found here:


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